never a jw
JoinedPosts by never a jw
Brave New W0rld of Education - The Regressive Left
by cofty ini found this to be a thought-provoking film on the trend in higher education.. oubliette drew my attention to a brilliant article recently called "the coddling of the american mind".
please have a look at the film, click the link and check out the links in the article.
i would love to hear your thoughts.. ...
never a jw
It's always the other guy who is hypersensitive. Ooops ...It's always the other gal who is hypersensitive...better -
Following Christ "from a distance."
by New day inluke 22:54.
"then they arrested him and led him off, and they brought him into the house of the high priest; but peter was following at a distance.
" i am still raging because this verse was used at a recent circuit overseer's visit.
never a jw
another piece of evidence the watchtower is hurting, Company men are becoming few and far between -
Is going into a church really THAT bad?
by Zana infamily background: my wife ("liberal" jw), me (ubm), two children aged 5 and 2.
(want more details?
never a jw
About a year ago I attended mass after decades of absence.
Bad things first:
- too many rites (I find them personally annoying)
- a lot of church singing
- the acoustic is bad, especially in cathedrals,
- you have a big cross of a huge crucified (oops, I meant impaled) Jesus. I just never liked the graphic representation and the emotional manipulation intended. Jesus knew the whole thing was a silly scapegoating act. What's few hours of pain for a guy who is billions of years old and is more famous than the Beetles. I thing women with many children have suffered more during their deliveries.
Good things
- No apocalyptic BS
- No insulting other religions
- Young ladies dress more provocative than JW women in kingdom halls... yes I know, how shallow of me
- You don't have to pretend brotherly love by hugging everyone at the beginning and the end of the mass
- the homily is about how to live better moral lives, not about preaching because the end is tomorrow, or soon after.
Literature being discontinued, including Isaiah's Prophecy and Reasoning book
by Richard_I incongregations get an annual letter that tells what can be ordered for literature (it's mainly a list of audio cds/dvds for the deaf), but this time it included publications that will be discontinued, and this included the isaiah's prophecy book and the reasoning book, and i think i saw the draw close to jehovah book.
i meant to take a picture of the letter but forgot.
the branch is only going to give what they have on stock, when that stock depletes that's it, you won't be able to order those publications anymore.. this is in canada so i don't know if this is worldwide..
never a jw
Saltheart...change to reporting?
did I miss something important?
Watchtower purchases CoC copyright for undisclosed amount!
by the girl next door innow what is your stance?
never a jw
Fine with me. The WT pays for the copyrights. They can do whatever they want, and I will support the protection of that right. It's a non-issue for me. Nothing has been muddied. It's the law and one cannot only obey or abide by the laws when it is convenient to one's personal interest. What I do not support is their tax exempt status. It appears that they don't deserve it. In fact, I would those law to be changed to be a lot more stringent to exclude, abusive cults and financial fraud, which I believe the WT is guilty of. -
Brave New W0rld of Education - The Regressive Left
by cofty ini found this to be a thought-provoking film on the trend in higher education.. oubliette drew my attention to a brilliant article recently called "the coddling of the american mind".
please have a look at the film, click the link and check out the links in the article.
i would love to hear your thoughts.. ...
never a jw
Actually, I listened to a local station in L.A.where we got Sean Insanity (from Fox) and Mark Levine along with the local hosts.
Left wing nuts?? Yes, there are plenty too. It's rather easy to identify them. They want to double the minimum wage because the actual minimum wage is not enough to support a family. They are vying for the nomination of the Democratic party. And yes I have plenty of negative things to say about some of the buffoonery on the Republican side. As much as I dislike Hillary, she is becoming the lesser of many evils. Politics for me is so bad that, despite being an atheist since I was in my early teens, I rather read religious studies than watch or read about U.S. politics.
Brave New W0rld of Education - The Regressive Left
by cofty ini found this to be a thought-provoking film on the trend in higher education.. oubliette drew my attention to a brilliant article recently called "the coddling of the american mind".
please have a look at the film, click the link and check out the links in the article.
i would love to hear your thoughts.. ...
never a jw
For 20 years I listened to talk radio in the U.S., being indoctrinated to see the left just as depicted in this movie. Then three years in this forum helped me get rid of the conservative right wing indoctrination. Now I am being pushed back in the direction towards right wingers. Nooooooooooooooooo! I can't take it anymore. The hell with right wing nuts, the hell with left wing nuts. I am going the way of the classics in ancient Athens. Nothing in excess. -
I'd report THAT to the police, but not THIS...
by Northern Star ini am new to the boards, so a little background info may be a good idea?
also, i'm not quite sure which sub-forum to post this to....
i have a typical religious background for my country; grew up with lutheran christianity (which was our state religion up until 2012; we now have a secular constitution).
never a jw
Welcome northern star,
I know about your frustration. I have been an agnostic/atheist/deist for my entire adult life and most of my teenage years, but always interested in science, philosophy and history. For more than 20 years, however, I have been surrounded by JW's (wife, brothers, brothers and sister's in law, many friends). For decades I have lived and let lived, until I decided to do an in-depth research on JW's. That changed my attitude towards the religion completely., especially the leaders.
Perhaps, to avoid the frustration, you should approach your study as a psychologist with his/her patients. Guide them slowly to discover on their own the flaws of their beliefs and the deception, manipulation, and exploitation they live under.
Request from "Leo" for 2 books!
by Atlantis ini am sure you all remember leolaia from this board.
we used to call her leo for short.
she wrote to me requesting the 2010 or revised 2012 elder manual in swedish language.
never a jw
Anything for Leo, if I had it. Please tell her that she is missed very much and that I hope that she is very happy doing whatever she is doing. -
Good books to read?
by thedepressedsoul ini read crisis on the conscience and i am about to start, "who wrote the bible?
" does anyone have a list or great books to read for anyone searching for the real truth?
i've only ever seen the world through a jw lens and i am excited to see what other view points are out there!
never a jw
I call their books secular christain mythology and the authors and their followers often come across to me as secular christian fundamentalists
Christian, secular, mythology, fundamentalists.
Which of the 4 words above doesn't belong. You have 10 seconds.